Feb 2018 | Health Newsletter | Synthetic vs Bioidentical Hormones

In our February 2018 Health Renewal Newsletter we explain the difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones.


The search for the ultimate secret to remain young stretches many centuries. Sadly, ageing is an inevitable part of life, but no one wants to grow old, and as a result humans have been successful in finding many solutions to slow down the ageing process.

One of the most crucial, yet often overlooked approaches, is to maintain balanced hormone levels. Hormone levels naturally decline with age, however, ageing can be accelerated thanks to dwindling hormone levels. Our bodies are literally outliving themselves.

Traditional approaches have involved restricted options - usually potent animal-derived hormones or milder, yet synthetic plant-derived hormones. Unfortunately, these bio-similar hormone replacement options have limited dose choices and may not be ideal for all patients. They also don’t necessarily address all of the hormone imbalances in individual patients.

Fortunately, bio-identical hormones are now an option. The concept was created 20 years ago and essentially involves extracting a hormone building block from a plant source and reconstructing it to create an identical chemical copy of a human hormone. These new hormones include an array of different types, from estriol to testosterone and more.

What makes this option so preferable is that it allows women and their prescribing doctors to have more control over their symptom relief and safety.

It also means it’s possible to select a combination of hormones in doses that are ideal for the individual. Another plus? They can be easily adjusted to suit the body’s changing needs.

Consult one of our doctors at our clinics to discover if bio-identical hormones are an option for you!

Yours in health,

Dr Graham Duncombe

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