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Reviews - Page 9

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184 Reviews

The overall experience is excellent. Liezel is very gentle and good at her job. I enjoy her and the advice she gives me. It is her passion and shows in all she does.


I used skin brightening with Hydroquinone on my skin, my face had two colours. Thanks to my Dr, for a non-surgical solution. I now have my confidence back, I can go out without wearing any make-up. I am renewed. Thanks to Dr and the staff. You're forever smiling and reminding me of my appointments. Stay blessed.


The doctor examined my skin when I first came to Skin Renewal in March 2014 at the Fourways branch, and the prescription she made has worked wonderfully and my skin is currently looking healthy and beautiful. It seems like a miracle has transformed my skin. She is a very pleasant person and has advised me well. Nicole has also been my therapist, she has done incredibly well with my treatment and I will continue to do my treatments with her.


To treat sagging and lax skin, I had about 30 PDO threads inserted in my face - of different lengths and types. This was done after an initial consultation where Dr Maureen assessed my skin and discussed my concerns. I can honestly say I was really scared that it was going to be painful going forward. However, I was pleasantly surprised the next morning when I had no pain at all, apart from when I touched my face for the next 4 days. My face was slightly swollen but bruising was minimal and was easily covered with a bit of foundation. Areas where the threads had been inserted has already improved substantially, just 2 weeks after initial treatment. Two weeks later the swelling had subsided, there are still a few lines on my face but the difference from when I had done the threads to two weeks later was astounding! I have had numerous comments saying I look 10 years younger but most people think it is my new haircut as I cut my hair short and I haven't had short hair in the last 15 years. When you look in the mirror and see a younger version of yourself, it is amazing as you actually feel younger and do drastic things like cutting your hair short!


Thank you ladies, the results of my Silhouette Soft Threads procedure are everything and more than I expected! Sleeping is a tad uncomfortable for about 5 days after but the immediate effects are just so absolutely worth it! There was no down time. I am a Fan for Life thrilled with my face’s refreshed, lifted and fuller volume appearance.


Esther het my voete gedoen en meer. Sy is so profesioneel en tog so menslik en sag. Ek sal nooit weer n ander instansie gebruik nie en sal verseker vir haar aanbeveel. Sy was stunning en so ook my treatment.


The treatment I received helped me restore my skin, treated acne scars and added a fresh look to my skin - Lourita is excellent! She keeps track of my details, she knows what needs to be done and does it it nicely and diligently.


I was an eczema sufferer for 21 years and consulted with numerous doctors and dermatologists, the prescribed treatment being cortisone and cyclosporine. I visited Dr Maureen for beauty advice and after discussions about my health, skin conditions, etc, she asked if I was prepared to try some natural remedies to treat my eczema over the years always tried out what people recommended- anything to be done with the curse.I begrudgingly stopped the cortisone meds and was waiting for the inevitable dry, itchiness to return. Doc treated me with various supplements as well as eating sauerkraut. Within a month, I was ECZEMA FREE!I wish doc had come into my life earlier, not only have I done so much damage to my body, but to now know that i'm healthy from the inside out, is amazing. I still have bouts of eczema and continue with natural remedies as above. Skin Renewal and Doctor Maureen Allem have changed my world and I'll be forever indebted. I look at people that have aging skin, dry flaky patches or are itching from eczema and my advice is- see a functional doctor at Health Renewal, this will sort you out. If anyone ever has any questions, I would be happy for you to contact Health Renewal and let them put you in touch with me.


Beverly is the most professional young woman! I was very stressed for the process of vein removal, as I had my first treatment about 6-8 years ago - and it was so painful, I did not want to do it again. She managed my process, and the treatment was not painful at all.


Had a wonderful "first time"experience at Skin Renewal. Charmainewas exceptionally friendly and very helpful. Clearly explained each product used during treatment and the benefits which I thoroughly enjoyed.
