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79 Reviews

Landa has been my therapist since I started treatments at Skin Renewal. Her service is excellent and she is always friendly and makes you feel comfortable. She is very professional in what she does and knows what she is doing.


I have had the best skin Renewal experience since my 1st visit. The staff are amazing. Dr is kind and patient, Alex keeps me on time and up to date with my appointments, the manager is sweet, welcoming and keeps the house in order. Last but not least is my therapist Landa, she is awesome, warm hearted and is always keeping me calm and stable during my treatments... They are a splendid family.


My skin renewal journey began shortly after my daughter's birth. After that I have returned again and again for various treatments. This would not have been the case had I not been treated exceptionally and with the utmost professionalism. The treatments that showed the best results was the carboxy and meso therapy combo on my lower body, the results even exceeded that of the doctor's predictions. Although the treatment itself was highly effective, I do believe that Landa's touch made the difference to the results we achieved.


The staff is very professional, and my therapist is very good. She knows what she is doing and handles everything on a professional base.


I had 2 Silhouette soft threads inserted on the 10th of March. I must say I was a bit apprehensive, but apart from the local anaesthetic I did not feel much. The lidocaine with adrenaline stung a little bit, but that was it. The procedure of inserting the threads I did not feel at all. When they started applying traction on the threads and moving my skin across it, it felt weird but not painful at all. I had only one small bruise to the right of my mouth corner. I could see immediate results. My jawline was much smoother and even my cheekbones looked more defined. The next day people commented on this. I had some puckering of skin along the path of the threads inserted from my cheekbones, that disappeared within a week. There was tenderness on the boney areas (cheekbones and jaw angle) for a week. It was not painful, only tender when touching it while washing my face. I did feel the need to wash my face carefully for about a week but after that no problem. The insertion and exit points were not that visible and not tender afterwards at all.I would recommend this to anyone that wants to improve their sagging jowls or any other sagging part of their face. It is minimally invasive and basically painless. Knowing that the results will even improve more over the next 8 months while the threads are dissolving, really makes this worthwhile. The results are amazing!


My therapist is such a professional, she gave me exactly what I wanted.


Fantastic!!! Thank you, Deonne is awesome at the Irene branch!


Ilona did AMAZING work on me, am sooo glad I got her as a therapist. Kept me talking the whole time(distracted) and removed every hair. I'm very happy and looking forward to going back!


The reception was good. She explains every process and asked if I was ok during the treatment.


Illona is a very friendly compassionate person. Assisted me with extra information on how to care for the affected areas on my skin after my deep cleanse facial. I will definitely visit her/the branch soon again.
