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33 Reviews

Great experience, great results. 5 stars! thanks to Danielle


I cannot express how grateful I am for my journey with Skin Renewal, Fourways. At first, I was hesitant to invest in my skin renewal journey, partly due to cost concerns and partly because I felt uncomfortable sharing the state of my skin without makeup. From the moment I walked through their doors for a consultation to now, nearly four months into this transformative journey, I have experienced nothing but outstanding support, care and encouragement. The team at Skin Renewal, Fourways: particularly Nadia and Helen, have played a pivotal role in making this journey comfortable and empowering. Their welcoming and nurturing demeanor has made all the difference. I truly appreciate their dedication and expertise. My experience at Skin Renewal, Fourways has lifted all the barriers I had initially, and I now feel more confident and excited about my ongoing skin renewal process, I still have a way to go. I would highly recommend their products and services to anyone looking to embark on their own journey to better skin health and self-confidence.


Friendly greetings to all. I was currently at the skin renewal Rosebank branch. And firstly I must say the people working there are respectful and kind. My therapist that day was Noxy Mkwanazi. And I must say her work ethic is of high quality including her characteristic of being kind. The moment you enter the branch you feel welcomed by the staff. Which makes one feel comfortable and acceptable and never judged or criticized. To the Rosebank branch– May the Lord be with all of you, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.
