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20 Reviews

I had 28 threads inserted by Dr Maureen Allem at Skin Renewal. The procedure was quick and completely painless. I was a little nervous beforehand, but as soon as Dr Allem started working I felt completely at ease. Once the local anaesthetic wore off later, I experienced a very slight sensation of discomfort - but nothing worth noting. There was no pain or discomfort from the following day onwards. I bruise very easily, so did experience slight bruising - but I was well prepared for this. I have had a 'before' pic taken, but not an 'after' pic as yet. I would definitely have the treatment again and have already recommended it to many people. It is a very easy and pain-free way to slow down the ageing process and to 'lift' the face.


I was quite anxious about having this procedure done as I have a phobia about needles! But my anxiety was quickly allayed. The doctors who do the threading are extremely professional and competent, and they work under the most hygienic conditions. I felt completely confident that I was receiving the best possible treatment. The only discomfort I felt was a slight sting as the topical anaesthic was applied, which lasted only a few brief moments. The threading itself, to my great surprise and delight, was completely painless! I had quite a number of threads done and noticed some swelling in a few areas immediately after the procedure, but that didn't last long. There was some bruising around my neck, however, I do bruise easily so was not at all concerned about it. It's been three weeks since I had the threading. I could see good results almost immediately afterwards and as each day goes by, the effects become more and more visible. My face has definitely lifted; I look younger and feel rejuvenated. People comment on it. Can't wait to see how much better I will look three months from now! Thanks to Skin Renewal for giving me this fresh new look!


Dear potential Silhouette client, I was fortunate enough to be chosen as a candidate to facilitate Doctor training for this procedure. I was quite apprehensive however my nerves were very quickly calmed in the very capable hands of the doctor. I had Silhouette threads inserted into the jawline and neck. The procedure was performed by Dr Maureen, which was completely painless and two other Doctors learning to do the procedure on the left side which due to their inexperience was a little uncomfortable but manageable. The jawline results are great and has restored definition to my face. My husband noticed the difference immediately. The sides of my neck line is very slightly improved. I will need additional threading in the neckline to get a further improvement. I look forward to the ongoing improvement this treatment promises.


I have been a patient of Skin renewal Willowbridge for quite some time. Firstly being treated by Helette and more recently by Juliana. Both highly skilled therapists that I can recommend. After chatting to Juliana about threading And huge amounts of research I decided to take the plunge with Dr. Graham. He is the most patient, compassionate doctor and gives a huge amount of reading material and never pushing for a decision, but always there to help answer any questions. I had the threading done today. Although not totally painless, it was definitely manageable. If there was any sign of pain, Dr Graham was very willing to give a small shot of anesthetic in the pain area. The procedure did not take long, and the slight swelling was gone in a matter of minutes. 4 hours later, there is slight discomfort to the touch, but absolutely no visible signs of trauma, not even where the threads were inserted. No swelling, no bruising and absolutely no pain. Not even my husband noticed anything. I can see a slight improvement in the lift around the jewels, but will see in 3 months when it should show better results. So far I can definitely recommend this treatment and I will check in over the next few weeks. Dr Graham is a honey. Talking you through the whole process and making you feel at ease throughout. Thank you!


I had 4 on each jowl area,. I am so happy and have seen an immediate result, so have my friends. I was initially nervous of the idea but am so happy I did it! I can recommend it to anyone.


I enjoyed a fabulous, relaxing hour with the lovely team and experienced my first-ever facial at 63! She is an excellent therapist and her own journey in life was a treat to hear about. Her tender heart is a gift, she passes on. Thank you! Dr Maureen inspires one with her beautiful soul and sees something one is not aware of and blesses us with her magic! A fabulous uplifting outcome. Thank you so much! It's truly amazing!


Melissa is an absolute gem, I will always come to her she is knowledgeable, considerable and informs me of things to do to enhance my looks. Thanks to her and with her encouragement, I decided to have Silhouette Threads. Melissa is an asset to your company and her dedication and commitment to her clients is to be commended. I love my treatments and time spent with Skin Renewal.


The doctor has treated me exceptionally in the past 4 months! I have had fillers, threads and Botox. He has been amazingly caring, gentle and I am delighted with the results! I cannot recommend him more highly!


Dr Graham an Monique treatment at Willowbridge excellent


The Reviews say it all! I love Dr. Allem and trust Skin Renewal to relieve daily stress! A must-go to Branch and Educated, friendly staff
