The above ageing signs are aggravated by the damage, degradation & loss of collagen in the skin which then loses its structural support. These factors create a hollowing and sagging appearance with a loss of facial volume and contours which have a profound effect on the appearance of the mid face. Most people can see that they are looking older but do not recognise that volume loss and deteriorating skin tissue is the reason that their face is beginning to sag and wrinkle.
This is especially true in older men, who develop loss of volume in the midface and a "hound dog look” starts to develop. Although surgical procedures have been used to tighten skin and muscle and reduce the appearance of sagging, surgery cannot restore lost volume and is particularly obvious in men who cannot easily hide the surgical scars as many have accompanying receding hairlines.
Often an ageing face is more about losing volume higher up in the face in areas such as the temples, the eyebrow area, the anterior and lateral cheeks. Volume loss in the lower face and the jawline also gives an aged appearance resulting in jowling.
At Skin Renewal, we have introduced rejuvenative techniques such as the MD Codes which is better suited for volume replacement than traditional techniques such as fat transfer which has considerable downtime . After having had their cheeks "volumised" with dermal fillers , a lot of patients come back to say that they did not realise what a big difference putting the "apple" back into their cheeks has made and they usually request more volume. Restoring volume to these areas has a twofold benefit. It provides a fuller more youthful and convex appearance to the cheeks which reflect light, and it has a lifting, pulling effect that counteracts the appearance of shadows and folds in the mid and lower face regions.
At Skin Renewal, we realise that treating ageing skin is a 3D approach if you want long lasting results. One has to replace what has been lost in the skin (i.e. volume), restore what has been damaged and weakened (collagen and elastin) and maintain skin health (with products and maintenance treatments). In this way we ensure that the skin is strong and healthy and able to stay looking good and youthful for much longer.
Injectables for sagging skin include:
- MD codes
- Dermal Fillers; Restylane, Juvederm, Saypha
- Bio-Stimulating & Bio-Remodelling injectables: Profhilo, Sculptra, HArmonyCa, Restylane Skin Boosters
- Threads
Treatments for Sagging Skin:
- Titan
- ND:Yag Skin Tightening
- Monopolar Radiofrequency; Exilis Elite; Titania; Lavatron
- 3DEEP RF with Endymed Mini-Shaper
- RF Needling
- Carboxytherapy