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Minki TV Show

Chantell Claassens

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Chantell Claassens

Chantell embarked on a comprehensive skincare journey guided by esteemed medical professionals. Alongside in-clinic procedures, her holistic approach integrated a thorough home care regimen, emphasizing topical solutions and optimal gut health through Skin Renewal's supplementation range.

Minki | Behind the Scenes | Skin Renewal | Kyknet
Minki | Behind the Scenes | Skin Renewal | Kyknet

Chantell, deeply perturbed by her distinct challenges of melasma, sought the expertise of the renowned Dr Maureen Allem and Dr Helenka Fourie. Together, these skilled professionals devised an innovative treatment strategy poised to deliver remarkable results in an impressively expedited timeframe, showcasing the synergy of their combined expertise.


Chantell's plan included Transdermal Mesotherapy and Laser Genesis for skin rejuvenation. She also enjoyed the Ceccarelli injections to tackle the fat deposits under her chin area. 

Medically trained therapist Tahren Lombaard performed a series of Carboxy Treatments under her eye area to improve and stimulate collagen production and address the dark marks around the eyes. 

Chantell was also very self-conscious of what she described as pronounced nasolabial folds. These deep wrinkles or lines form from the bottom of the nose to the corner of the mouth. Dr Helenka used Dermal Filler to add volume to the area and lift the skin. 

Tahren also performed an Endybleph on Chantelle, which tightens and lifts the lax skin forming droopy eyelids. 

Chantelle's home care plan included an extensive range of products and Skin Renewal's supplementation range, ensuring that Chantelle's gut was also in optimal health.

Her home care included the following products which can be found in Skin Renewal's Online Skin Shop:
