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Minki TV Show
Minki TV Show

Doreen Malan and Marguerite De Villiers

Minki invites interesting and inspiring people from all walks of life to her couch for interviews.

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Doreen Malan and Marguerite De Villiers

Doreen and Marguerite's Concerns:

Doreen’s main concerns were her wrinkles and the signs of ageing on both her face, neck and hands. Dr Lestonn worked on a comprehensive skin care plan for Doreen which included skin tightening as well as filler. Profhilo was used on Doreen’s hands to give her the results which she desired – namely dramatically reducing the signs of ageing in her hands. Doreen’s therapist Megan Pretorius did treatments which included Monopolar Radiofrequency as well as carboxy to get impressive results on both her face, neck and hands in just 12 weeks.

Dr Lestonn scripted Fraxel treatments for Marguerite to address her pigmentation concerns. Marguerite also enjoyed fillers done by Dr Lestonn as a solution to her concern around volume loss on her face. Skin tightening treatments (NdYag) where done by her therapist Megan Pretorius. Profihilo was also done in Marguerites hands to restore lost volume and alleviate the fine lines.

Treatment Plans for Doreen and Marguerite:

Doreen’s treatments included:

Marguerite's treatments included:
