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Minki TV Show

James and Lente Swift

Minki invites interesting and inspiring people from all walks of life to her couch for interviews.

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James and Lente Swift

James and Lente's Concerns:

James did not have an existing skincare routine, Dr Lilli in conjunction with therapist Mari Roux focused on treatments to repair James skin barrier. The focus was on getting his skin less reactive to the elements and tackling his mild rosacea and sensitivity. The results were a healthy barrier and skin that glowed.

Lente’s desire was to ‘reset the clock’ like so many women in their late 30s she wanted to tackle her ageing skin, fine lines, mild pigmentation, volume loss and sun damage. Dr Lilli placed special focus on rejuvenating the eye area as Lente felt she looked tired. Injectables were used to lift the whole area for her. Lente was also placed on a more comprehensive skin care routine and products selected to focus on her unique concerns. Therapist Candice Louis treated Lente to body treatments to tackle stubborn fat and cellulite as well as tightening in addition to aggressively tackling her pigmentation and sun damage. Over and above injectables.

Treatment Plans for James and Lente:

James' treatments included:

Lente’s treatments included:
