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Minki TV Show
Minki TV Show

Jaco Rademeyer and Celeste Grobler

Minki invites interesting and inspiring people from all walks of life to her couch for interviews.

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Jaco Rademeyer and Celeste Grobler

Jaco and Celeste's concerns:

Jaco’s main concern was his volume loss as well as his double chin. Dr Lestonn worked closely with Lisa Smith on a treatment plan which included extensive Cecarelli injected into the area causing the double chin as well as cryotherapy. Further treatments included skin tightening as well as peels to accelerate the resurfacing of the skin.

Celeste wanted to restore lost volume and reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as to address the red tone on her skin. Dr Lestonn did numerous injectables including filler to get Celeste the natural yet improved look she was after. Therapists Lisa Smith and Mari Roux treated Celeste’s melasma pigmentation through a serious of treatments including dermapen.

Treatment Plans for Jaco and Celeste

Jaco’s bespoke Skin Renewal skincare journey included:

Celeste’s bespoke Skin Renewal skincare journey included:
