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Minki TV Show
Minki TV Show

Stephen Van Eeden and Wayne Tucker

Minki invites interesting and inspiring people from all walks of life to her couch for interviews.

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Stephen Van Eeden and Wayne Tucker

Stephen and Wayne's concerns:

Dr Lillis plan for Stephen was to eradicate the signs of ageing which have just begun. Carboxy was used in the under-eye area and a few injectables were done. Therapist Jessica Charls and Tahren Lombard worked on Stephens treatments which included skin tightening as well as peels and laser Genesis.

Wayne had no existing skincare regime, so Dr Lilli crafted a skin care journey which included home care products for Wayne. Weight loss was Wayne’s primary goal and as such Dr Lilli put Wayne onto RID (Renewal Institute Diet) to address this concern. Dr Lilli worked with therapist Shanice Francis on treatments to tackle Wayne’s sun damaged skin. Skin tightening treatments were also done on Wayne to restore lost volume and give his skin the glow he desired.

Treatment Plans for Doreen and Marguerite:

Stephen's unique Skin Renewal journey included:

Wayne's unique Skin Renewal journey included:
